وقال عبد الرحمن استاذ في جامعة ممفس. لعنة على الجامعة الي ضابيتك وانت تقوم باداء المحاظرة بهذا الشكل المقلعط. حافظ على شكلك ومنظرك يابني ادم. فضحتونا الله لايستر عليكوا.
الله يرحم الشهيد اسامه بن لادن
الى مراقب 1
الله يسلم تمك لانه عنجد زودوها هذل المتاسلمين
Sir,you are so right,,,We are not the only minority in the west but we are the most hostile,we beg to come and the minute we arrive we abuse the system then claim that the west is against us as Arabs and Muslims...!!!,,this is happening since almost twenty years ,befor Arabs and Muslims used to be the models of politeness and discipline and a lot of blacks converted to Islam becouse of that
لما واحد يهودي يلبس لبسه ما حدا بقله شي ولونها وحده مشلحه والا من الخوريات الراهبات ما حدا قلها شيء. بس لانهم مسلمين. اي طز عليك وعلى امريكا.
الى رقمي 1 و 3 الله لا يسلم فيكم عضمه صحيحه ، على كل حال لو رحتوا انتو الاثنين على امريكا لنلوكم من الباص ايضا ، بتعرفو ليش لأنكم كشره ، والله انا بقول لازم نعامل الاميركيين والاروربين زي ما بعاملونا
انا متاكد لو كنت معهم واولادي معي لخافوا منهم وكنت مظطر اخليهم بحضني ينظبوا في بلادهم مش مجبرين يروحوا على بلاد العالم يخوفوهم هذول جابوا النا الدور ووجع الراس بلحاهم والسواك اللي شغاليين فيه فيه بالمقابل اسلاميين بنفتخر فيهم والاسلام كله بفتخر فيهم بحسن خلقتهم واخلاقهم
صدوقني لو كنت على متن الطياره وكانوا اولادي معي لخافوا وظليت حاطهم بحضني من الخوف ينضبوا في بلادهم وبلاش يروحوا على بلاد العالم يرعبوا الناس لانهم هذول جابوا النا الدور ووجع الراس وبالمقابل في اسلاميين بفتخر الواحد فيهم وفخر للاسلام لحسن خلقتهم وهندامهم واخلاقهم
يعني ان كنت بدك تعيش بين الناس المتحضره وتبقي على تخلفك ولباسك المقرف , خليك ببلدك وريح الناس الراقيه من منظرك المقيت
انا بأيد اللباس المرتب بس مش ينطرو عشانو
لبس الهنود مش كتير احلى على فكرة!
لا حول ولا...
الى تعليق رقم 5 اليهودي والمشلحه والخوري والراهبه ليس بقنابل بشريه تقتل عن جنب وطرف فلا خوف منهم
I am surprised as I read that most of the commentors assume that they and their people are backward and that the American society is civilized!
Wake up, guys! You either never been in America or you are overwhelemed with America's hypocracy and deceptive image!!
Being civilized is when you build society based on a priciple that's humane and includes/respects all. America perpetuates that it safgaurds the 5 freedoms, yet all these five are nowadays vulnerable to abuse when it comes to Muslims!
It's a shame when one from within the arab/muslim culture says disgusting about a certain dress code!!!
especially if it's recognized as a kind of muslim code in a country that supposedly protects personal freedoms.
OR do you realy believe that it was not the American establishment who allowed the twin tower in NY City to get down so that they take Iraq, Afghanestan and more!!
Again, you should wake up and at least let Amercians feel disgusting about what they do around the World, and not be shallow and hit yourself in the foot!!!!!
It's amazing to hear this! If some muslims and out of despair would blow themselves up as a handless/hopless resolve in front of huge injustices they see, In no way can any arab/muslim ignore the massive killings of whole peoples (Examples? too many!), the massive violations of humans right to live in dignity and the massive greed that America adopts as a policy in our World regardless of human sufferings and full support to puppet dictatorships. Wake up, guys! Or are you Americanized locals? That would be pathetic cuz the absolute majority of people around the World are finally seeing America as it is and NOT as it wants!! Wake up Dears or Hide a way.... the time is not yours for sure! .....and if u still want examples, do u remember the "weapons of mass destruction?!" and that story didn't happen in Latin America or South Esat Asia (where tons of examples crowd the memory!)....WMD story did happen in your backyard, yes! here in Iraq...In Baghdad
Sir,with all respect I live in North America and beleve that you are wrong,if a non political two kind hearted hasidic Jews putting thier Jewish traditional dress goes to drink tea in "Al-Baq3a" Camp what would you think will be the reaction of the residents there...??? why Indians code of dress has no problem in the west..!!!,,,we have to be considerate for others feeling as mush as we ask them to be considered for ours
I also lived a great deal of my younger years in California and the Midwest. Although I see your point but it is out of context, I believe: "Israeli" hats (not Jewish!) will not dare to show up in Karak or Irbid (leave aside refugee camps!) since they know that they evicted many millions off their homeland and these hats very well know the real principles of the Arab people. In contrast, Muslims go to America knowing that they are supposedly in a country ruled by the principles of the so-called "personal freedoms". Besides, wearing a different dress should not by itself be considered a threat unless in a society of total political ignorance and misleadness.
Arabs and Muslims didn't occupy America for a fake and RUDE claim on weapons of mass destruction, for example!
I think the correct context of our dialogue should be that it's been a very unjust war from the West upon Arabs and Muslims. At times, it was direct material colonization, then another phase was the indirect colonization through enforced puppet regimes that ruled us in absolute dictatorship and corruption yet fully supported by America and Europe...You need example take Mubarak and Ali Saleh. Whenever Muslims try to liberate themselves and become a respected Ummah like what's happening in Cairo nowadays, you will find the West heavily involved and indulged to spoil and contain our efforts by all means necessary!
I also believe that the so-called "War on terrorism" is “Made in USA” stuff as, yet, an advanced phase of the War against us.
They created Taliban and then they manipulated their "Jihad" to make the international theatre prepared for America's next steps of new colonialism and heinous and unjust war against us and against Islam as the one and only correct way of life for humanity....still doubtful? ....Under the leadership of the West, humanity suffered 2 World Wars and has not been able to stop very avoidable deaths of hundreds of millions of people especially children due to easily treatable diseases. Today, you have more than 2 Billion human beings who lack safe drinking water and minimum sanitation!
Muslims do have a humane principle that allowed them to rule the whole Subcontinent and leave it with the vast majority of its people remained Hindus and non-Muslims. The West; however, when they ruled Spain they eradicated Muslims and forced the remaining population to convert from Islam.
Muslims do have a humane principle that allowed them to rule the whole Subcontinent and leave it with the vast majority of its people remained Hindus and non-Muslims. The West; however, when they ruled Spain they eradicated Muslims and forced the remaining population to convert from Islam.
We should feel proud as Muslims because of how just and great our principle is and our old and recent history were. I think we, Muslims, owe it to Islam not to be intellectually defeated before such a colonial, materialistic, unjust and greedy power called the West!
[quote name="fisel"]الى تعليق رقم 5 اليهودي والمشلحه والخوري والراهبه ليس بقنابل بشريه تقتل عن جنب وطرف فلا خوف منهم[/quote]
hahahahah af7amto howa woo shikho ameer al ta3rees 3afon al taw7eed
التعليقات بتموت من الضحك . يا جماعة ليش الانفعال ، خليكو كووول ، والله دمعت من الضحك خاصة على تعليق 6 و 8
Sir,thank you dearly for your extended answer,, our history is no defrent than others who belong to defrent religions,,,,,we like to believe the Rosy picture that we created about our history while three out of the four Khalifah after our Profit where assassinated by Muslims...!!!,,,,When "Musa Bin Nusair" invaded Spain,tens of thousands of men ,women and children where enslaved and brought in chains to Damascus,the price of any slave dropped to almost nothing at that time as recorded in history books...!!!,,,not to mention the massacres between muslims that never stopped since then and till now,,I wish to beleve defrent but facts should be our guide for a better future
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
" لتجدن أشد الناس عداوة للذين آمنوا اليهود والذين أشركوا " صدق الله العظيم
الى كل من لا يعجبه لبس الثوب القصير واستخدام السواك اقول لك يا اخي ان هذا لباس النبي المصطفى والسواك من سنن النبي ايضا فلا يجوز ان اقتدي بغيره وقال الرسول الكريم عليه افضل الصلاة والتسليم:
" عليكم بسنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين من بعدي، عضوا عليها بالنواجذ"
ومن ابتغى غير هذا الكلام فالحائط اولى برأسه .
ارى حقدا اعمى على الاسلام والمسلمين. على ما يبدوا اما انكم غير مسلمين او اصبحتم خنازير مثلكم مثل من تعيشون عندهم. المسلم لا يرضى المذله ويرد الصاع صاعين. ولعلمكم امريكا التي تتغنون بها هي من اسوا دول العالم فلا قيم ولا اخلاق ولا مبادىء ولا دين وانتم اصبحتم مثلهم نكرات. عشنا في امريكا واروبا وكلها لا تساوي ذرة من تراب عمان. اشبعوا في امريكا واشبعوا مذله وهوان والله لا يردكوا.
والله يا دكتور امك كفيت ووفيت مع انهم ما بستاهلوا تضيع وقتك على الرد عليهم. ماخدين مقلب بحالهم وبامريكا, مع انهم اذلاء في امريكا بس بكابروا. قال بلد حريات قال. اي شي غاظ.
وقال بن لادن في التسجيل الذي نشر موقع اسلامي مقاطع منه «اقسم بالله العظيم الذي رفع السماء بلا عمد، لن تحلم اميركا ولا من يعيش في اميركا بالامن قبل ان نعيشه واقعا في فلسطين، وقبل ان تخرج جميع الجيوش الكافرة من ارض محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم».
الله يرحمك يا بن لادن واللخ معاك حق. ليش ما امريكا تترك العرب والمسلمين بحالهم. بكفي دعم لليهود وظلم وقهر وكيل بمعيارين يا من تدعون انكم بلد الحريات والعدالة. افعالكم هي التي تجلب عليكم الحقد والكراهية والقتل. اتركوا العالم في حالهم وما حدا بيجي فيكم. وهذول المعلقين المطبلين والمزمرين عبدة الامريكان ضربت عليهم الذلة والمسكنة والخزي والعار. والله لو دفعولي مليار دينار لاعيش بامريكا ما عشت. فشروا همه والمطبلين.
شكل المتخلفين الذين يدافعون عن التخلف في اللباس والقعل هم الاكثريه في هذا البلد
اذا كان هذا في نظرك تحلف فنحن نفتخر به. ونترك لك المهانه والذلخ يا ذليل.
The right thing is to study the basics of your principle before comparing with other ways of life. Islam was the principle who gradually ended slavery from the World. The west culture has created new forms of slavery as you know.
The rules of war that Muslims have (from Islam) are not even to be compared with those of the West. History was not always written rightfully. During Jihad, Muslims can only enslave in exact reaction to their people being enslaved. They never are allowed to start that.
As for the assassinations of the 3 of the first Khalifas, I don't see it a real point; at least the Muslim society then knew who killed them. In the 20th century with all its advancement in science and technology, the country who proclaims leadership in the World had several presidential assassinations that the American people are yet to
Know who killed Kennedy, for example, after many decades of the incident!
No matter what others would say, the fact is that Muslims are the only civilization in history and geography who when “invaded” new territories were able to include the new inhabitants to become real part of the Islamic body. This is only because people see the justice and righteousness of Islam. In fact, due to this even fair Western historians noticed that the expansion of the Islamic State (Khilafah) was indeed unique throughout history. Every other “civilization” including the current Western one failed to make invaded peoples embrace them due to the genuine difference between these and Islam.