What is the "REAL"value of an old refinery to the point of sending Honorable persons like 3adel Al-Qdah to prison on suspicion of corruption...!!! and officially smuggling Khaled Shaheen out of the country...??? what makes the Famous Russian dentist interested in Oil to the point of registering a company in Aqaba dealing in BILLIONs in oil business...!!!,, let me tell you what they do not want us to know...In oil Business smuggling oil out official COTA of OPIC is a huge business,,BUT,, such business requires a "certificate" of FINAL DISTENATION by an active refinery to be able to load the Oil,,when they buy under price Oil from any course and sell it to best buyer They need our refinery to issue a Final Destination Certificate as legitimate cover,by that they can quietly make BILLIONS
الشعب الاردني قادر على ان يكون الشريك الاستراتيجي للمصفاه ورفع راسمال الشركه والاقتراض من المحليه التي يوجد بها 22 بليون دولار ولكن المشكله تكمن في ان نوايا المسؤولين غير سليمه تجاه موارد البلد واموالها مصفاه البترول يجب ان تبقى ويجب ان تدعم لا ان تباع لللاجانب بتراب الفلوس كما يقال
الضمان ا لاجتماعي افضل شريك
والله يا مغترب إنك داهيه
يا ريت لو تفهنا أكتر عن أصول الشغل بالنفط خارج الكوتا
ولماذا يكونو محتاجين الرخصه
والرؤيا الواضحة لديكم هي كم سيدخل في جيوبكم وبطونكم لأن عقولكم خاوية
Sir,Selling outside OPIC country COTA is a privilege for very influential beneficiaries who have personal COTA in Oil Producing countries like Libya and Saudia ,those beneficiaries sell to dealers who themselves resell the oil to private refineries mostly in Far East at lower price than the official price dictated by OPIC,,,,BUT,,,, the business has a problem as OPIC instructions require a Certificate of final destination issued by a registered refinery to allow loading ships...!!! SO,,,,here is the goldmine,,if someone can get such certificate issued by "our refinery" then he is free to sell the smuggled oil and secure several dollars per barrel as net profit which could reach Hundreds of Millions,,this is the real value of our refinery
لانريدشريك اجنبي في مقدرات الوطن نحن نطمح بأن يصبح كل شيء على الارض الاردنيه اردني
طيب سيد مغترب دخو الشريك الاستراتيجي هل سيعني عرقلة مثل هذه الاعمال ام انه سيسهلها؟؟؟
hop to reconnect by e-mails,, i have many questions,,u seem colse down ur email lately
Sir,As Jordan is not an oil producing country and since the monopoly is no longer valid,our refinery is a high risk business to any investor...!!!,,UNLESS,, it will get a new monopoly and that and that will create fake profit with high cost to the economy ,,OR,, the people in charge will use the refinery as a tool to benefit from Issuing fake final destination certificates and that can work only if the operation is blessed
تحياتي لك استاذي...الا يشبه هذا الى حد بعيد قضية تهريب النفط من العراق الى الصين و بعض دول اسيا ايام برنامج النفط مقابل الغذاء؟؟؟ تقريبا ذات التفاصيل
Sir,That was a defrent game with changing terms,Iraqi government at that time"and still up till now" use Iraqi,Jordanian,Turkish ,Syrian and Lebanese ports and Facilities to cell Oil and semi refined oil products inside these countries and for re export outside sanctions