An extremal well connected advisers and brokers to the multinational companies are based in Paris,thier influence penetrates World Bank and IMF staff and even Embassies around the world,they have no political interest,just hunt for countries with corupt administrations to get deals at abusive conditions to their clients,,they are most active in Africa,getting deals that brings Billions to the leaders and inviromwental disasters,abuse,corruption and poverty to the citizens,,,using their world economical intelligence and access to information,they know what to look for,how to move,and they select even who will they negotiate with from the country's side,,they only need to know how influential is their contact and they take it from there,bringing abusive credit lines,ruthless investors and developers
One of the most abusive relations in Africa between those advisers /Brokers and country leaders is in Kongo and Algeria,,,their first entry to our part of the world was in Lebanon via Rafiq Al-Hariri,,befor his first cabinet Lebanese foreign dept was seven hundred million dollars ,now it is Fifty two Billion....!!!,Al-Hariri is the one who introduced those consultants/brokers to Jordan,the results everybody knows...........Note: those Brokers /consultants even help the corupt leaders in hiding their wealth using legal channels,,they direct them to use Austrian banks as Austria is less open for releasing information about the sources of deposits,,,this may explain why leaders visit "Vienna" with least media coverage
أخي سلامة أرجو التصويب ، راعي البقرة باعها لنفسه وجعل له شريكا أجنبيا لكي لا يظهر اسمه ، هذه هي خلاصة الخصخصة ، حرمان الشعب من الوطن ، وتحويل الوطن إلى مزارع شخصية وعائلية بشراكة أجنبية شراكة اسم وحصة .
انظر الى من شارك هذه الشركات من اولي الامر فتعلن انها عملية نهب ممنهجة لمقدرات الوطن لصالح الخواجة الاجنبي و ازلامه من اهل الحكم في الاردن. هذه لم تكن "اخطاء" بل سرقة عينك عينك. و نام يا شعب بينما نحن نستمتع بثرواتك على اليخت الراسي على شواطيء اوروبا..
The tragedy is,those Brokers/consultants know very well how to work and get the leaders too involved too fast so they can not retreat from those captives ,they do not care if those leaders even loose their power as long as thier countries are already hooked in those abusive contracts which strips the countries from their resources,drop them in huge debts and cause environmental and economical disasters ....!!!!,,,what we are into is very very very bad,it can not be stopped now becouse the brokers/consultants will not accept to stop,the ones who put us into this are scared and nervous,appointing local and international legal advisers to disconnect them from the outcomes for protecting themselves as fast as possible at any price,otherwise all signs proves that the mastermind behind all this was planing at one stage to leave and live in South of France,now dont know even where to reside
الفوسفات مثال حي لسرقة وطن، وليد الكردي براتب أكثر من نصف مليون و15 شركة حليفة تتعلق بالفوسفات بالاضافة الى سيطرة على حقوق التعدين لخمسين سنة قادمة لثروة تقدر ب 40 مليار دينار اردني وكل ذلك تم بعد ان تم تجميد 90% من موظفي الشركة المخلصين عن العمل.
المغترب 5 .. من الممكن أن يتقبل العقل هروب لص أوطان مثل الجلبي ، ,. لكن أن يخطط حاكم دولة لسرقتها والهرب منها عند انكشاف الخطر ، فهذه أحقر وسيلة مرت على حياة البشر .. هل يوجد أحقر منها ؟.
Sir,the preferred properties where bought in Cote D'azur/south of France in the area where actors and celebrities live,original plan of moving there does not include the husband,I have personally met a Cont from the french nobility who told me that the wife now believes that she is too mush for her husband....!!!!... the french government is extremely upset after attacking the french press offices in Amman twice and started using harsh administrative and tax control over the wealth and properties
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
أعجبني قول باحث أثار أجنبي عن الأردن إذ قال: لا يمكن أن تجد في الأردن مساحة كيلومتر مربع بدون معالم أثريه. لو قام ذلك العالم بزياره للأردن اليوم لقال: لا يمكن أن تجد في الأردن مشروعا واحدا بدون معالم فساد.