one of the signs that we are primitive society and incapable even to solve our own issues is the TAWJIHI. Now another sign that we started to think properly is to have a national conference at last to resolve the issue of TAWJIHI. In my opinion TAWJIHI should be replaced by credit based system .i.e last four years in school the student should accumulate say 36 credits . There should be different levels of subjects offered University level, college levels . The student should be able to take the subject when he wants or he can take at any school ....etc . The student should be able to take and combine any combination of subjects say maths, history, art , music...etc . As long as he has 6 or 7 subjects then he pass and get his TAWJHI certificate.The best that a committee look into US or Canada educational system . In Jordan now the governmnet and people finance plans to fail 50% of the students .This is the only nation on earth plan to fail its students .We know that half of the students when they start school they will fail .If we need to have civilized system which offer students various options and the ability to choose , otherwise we will have to continue issues.
تتم مراجعة كافة التعليقات ،وتنشر في حال الموافقة عليها فقط.
ويحتفظ موقع كل الاردن بحق حذف أي تعليق في أي وقت ،ولأي سبب كان،ولن ينشر أي تعليق يتضمن اساءة أوخروجا عن الموضوع المطروح ،او ان يتضمن اسماء اية شخصيات او يتناول اثارة للنعرات الطائفية والمذهبية او العنصرية آملين التقيد بمستوى راقي بالتعليقات حيث انها تعبر عن مدى تقدم وثقافة زوار موقع كل الاردن
علما ان التعليقات تعبر عن أصحابها فقط .