ما اضحكنى بخبر هو اعادة النظر بى العلاقات وا حرام لم يلتقوا مع وزيرة الخارجية الامريكية بتركيا العام الفائت لوضع لمسات الاخيرة على تقسيمات الشرق الاوسط الجديد الاخوان بسوريا والاردن ومصر ولكن ما اضحكنى ايضا انهم تبروا من الاتفاقيات ونكثوا بها ام اصدقائهم الامريكان انهم اتفقوا بانهم لن يلمسوا اسرائل ولا المعاهدات اليهودية ولا الرئاسة المصرية وها هم نكثوا بعهودهم هههههههه اهلين اصلاح واهلين ربيع
طب وشو الفرق بين الامريكان والانجليز وامبارح كنتم مدعوون لطعام الغداء على طاولة السفير ! دجل وكذب وافتراء
The West know that to have radical views and mind is really what they want because Israel will be Safe and gaining time as Arabs gets weaker as time pass by and will be in weaker negotiations positions.
Radical is our own enemy and much stronger than any thing else.It is not easy for the traditional Muslim brother hood to be some thing else. New generation are calling for dialogue because they know the traditional way will not lead them to anywhere . They may rule by religion for many years 10 or 20 but people will turn against them because of economic hardships . This is a normal behavior of humans, they need a change . That is why the western democracy which is based on Humans rights values is the perfect solution for modern societies. Muslim brotherhood has still not been able to develop the tools to involve themselves in political games. The only tool they have is religion as mentioned they may win but in short terms but maximum 50 years life cycle they will have in any rule. Muslim brother hood needs to develop real political parties based on human rights charter values in order to be able to survive and share the powers and participate positively in modern life. The challenge can they do it ? It is doubtful because religion play a heavy role in their mind set. We need a real revolution within to modernize Muslim brotherhood and this is the challenge . Even talking or opening dialogues will not lead to real changes unless NEW POLITICAL PARTIES EVOLVE and take this role.Until then, these traditional rulers will stay and enjoy the fruits of Muslim brother hood failures or inability to develop their political skills.
تخبط في الرؤية الاستراتيجية والاقليمية. فكر الاخوان رائع في الفترة التي شهدت تهميش الاسلام من القرن الماضي. الآن أنصحهم التفكير في شقين: جناح معني بالقضية الفلسطينية للأخوة من أصل فلسطيني والثاني للأردنيين لدعم الحراك الشعبي ثم تعاون على البر والتقوى . غير ذلك أوهام. مع تناسي وهم الارتباط بالتنظيم الدولي.
الاخوان يبحثون عن مصالحهم الشخصيه وعن تحقيق نظريات البناء بغض النظر عن الوسيله ولاطراف , طول عمر الاخوان يخضون بسياسات متغيره حسب مصالحهم وفسادهم من نوع خاص مغطى بالدين والكلام المعسول , ماحدث في انتخابات اتحادات الجامعات والخسارات المتتاليه للمقاعد ماهي الا بروفا للانتخابات النيابيه , الاخوان انكشفوا واصبحوا معريين امام الراي العام
Continue..... Islam like any other religion has great values of Justice, and social welfare tools...etc but It has many weakness for example because people spent their time or heavily rely on GOD for solving their issues that is why they balme GOD for some one death for example despite the fact this might be a result of negligence . i.e A dcotor might be negligent and cause a death to his patient .Based on Islamic view GOD is behind it and hence it is KADA WA KADAR . while in modern democracies it is dealt with by insurance , Tort law is part of social Justice where people gets compensated even though no contract established. This is why you see our doctors association is not bothered to insure doctors so people can sue them and gets compensated. instead because of KADA WA KADAR theory millions in the Muslim world die without compensation .. We can have political parties based on the spirit and value of Islam which is applicable these days but Human rights should be the over whelming values in these parties. For one simple reason .The international Humans Rights Charter is a standard reference which will accept all kinds of people from all roots, religions...etc, while Islam or any other religion is a base line or standard reference specifically accept its followers and reject others and not only that but the others may be punished because not followers of this such as paying heavier taxes or considered second class citizens. Probably the Arabs as on all fronts we are in capable of innovation . Should some young generation be courageous enough and establish political party based on the spirit of Islam but include Human rights values charter and practice Politics rather than religion . It is very doubtful because we rely on GOD to solve our issues because we are so lazy and we expect GOD to solve our problems because we pray 5 times for him . This equation that if we pray 5 times a day GOD will love us and solve our earth problems and if he does not we will go to heaven in the other life will not solve our issues. We really must take it serious and start working to invent tools to help us address our own issues without being lazy and rely on GOD or the west . for their inventions.
حماس افلاس ليذهبوا الى سقر
تتم مراجعة كافة التعليقات ،وتنشر في حال الموافقة عليها فقط.
ويحتفظ موقع كل الاردن بحق حذف أي تعليق في أي وقت ،ولأي سبب كان،ولن ينشر أي تعليق يتضمن اساءة أوخروجا عن الموضوع المطروح ،او ان يتضمن اسماء اية شخصيات او يتناول اثارة للنعرات الطائفية والمذهبية او العنصرية آملين التقيد بمستوى راقي بالتعليقات حيث انها تعبر عن مدى تقدم وثقافة زوار موقع كل الاردن
علما ان التعليقات تعبر عن أصحابها فقط .