If we have competent government employees not appointed, then we will have control . It is part of the government responsibilities to ensure transparency . The Jordanian Government should act from supervisory point of view and enforce the Hospitals and Hotels to to appoint auditing company and all costs shared by Libya , Hospitals and the Hotels . Because of our lack of seriousness our reputation is in the ........I do not blame the Libyans for being cautious and if they started to talk about it in the media it is because we are not doing our job . Shame on us
الحكومه تركت فئه انتهازيه تتحكم وتستغل وتشوه سمعه الاردن في الخارج ,, تكاسي وشقق مفروشه وفنادق
كلامك صحيح تماما ولكن السؤال الكبير اين كانت الحكومة ؟ لماذا لم تتدخل منذ البداية , الحكومة آخر من يعلم عما يجري في البلد ، البورصات الوهمية والاستيلاء على اراضي الدولة والفساد المستشري ونبض الشارع وغير ذلك الكثير , لماذا ؟ وهذا دليل على غياب الحس الوطني الكامل وعلى راي القائل ( كل من ايده اله )
Worldwide ,Libyans are known for not paying their bills unless they are forced to......!!!!!!!!.....the Libyan official who refuses to pay is no defrent than the ones befor her and the ones who will follow her,they all want high commissions to send,high commissions to accommodate and the highest commissions to pay....!!!!!,,all Jordanians bills for Hospitals and Hotels are less than one day cost payed by Libyans for NATO to destroy their country...!!!!,,what we "good hearted Jordanians" do not know is that every Libyan is another Gadaafi.....!!!!!....Sorry for being so frank but we have to stand with ourselves sometimes.
To Al Mugtareb. My friend it does not matter who you are dealing with or the qualities of that person ,or government or whatever. It is who you are , your ethics and standards. Jordanians are well known around the world of being high quality individuals at personal level or at work. These qualities should be reflected into our government standards of works . What makes the west advanced and most civilized nowadays , it is nothing but the enforcement of the law, system, human rights and most Transparency . The ministry of health with private sectors had a meeting few months ago but failed to come up with a plan . We can not continue to be similar and look like with respect to these countries Bangaldish, Somalia..........we have the power and the tools and the skills to be some thing else why do we choose to be the worst . Jordan Military used and still to be the first class in the region and world wide that what we like to see our government looks like. We can but not based on the appointment system we have. As I suggested many times on this web site , we should have the key positions in the government filled based on competition , qualification and experience and competency , this is the only way we can improve our government efficiency . 300 to 500 key positions will turn our government into an efficient one.Trust me.These key positions can be filled every three years so or four years term . This will ensure only qualified people doing the work and give inspiration, and hope to others young generation and lay down Justice . Alwasta and Almasubia will die and we end up with healthier society
الى الاخت فوزية الكاشاني للعلم ان 99 بالماءة من الشعب الاردني مع الموقف الليبي في هذا الامر وعلى قناعة تامة بان القطاعات الطبية والصحية والدوائية في الاردن عبارة عن قطاعات نصب واحتيال نعم انهم نصابين ونحن نعرف ذلك وطول عمرهم ينصبوا على الشعب الاردني الغلبان, فمثلا اجرة الطبين او تكلفة عملية او ثمن علبة دواء في الاردن اضعاف اضعاف تكلفتها او ثمنها في سوري او لبنان مثلا, ولاننسى ايضا تعرصة اصحاب الفنادق لذا نحن نؤيدكم اخت فوزية ونشد على ايديكم في عدم دفع قرش واحد اقسم بالله انهم نصابين وحرامية, بالاضافة الى ان الطب في الاردن كلام فارغ والاطباء عديمي المهارة والمعرفة وهذه حقائق, والكثير منهم شهاداتهم مزورة, لذا السمعة الطيبة عن الطب والاطباء في الاردن وهم وكذب. نحن معاكم اخت فوزية لاتدفعوا لاتدفعوا حيث تم استغلال اخوانا الليبين ابشع استغلال والشعب الاردني اخوانكم في العروبة.
فعلا انت منتمي للاردن لدرجة احسست بانك ستتمنى ان تجد فوزية لتجلد الاردن باجود السياط قبحك الله