Yes you are absolutely right .This is one of the main important issues. Public health and safety must be paramount .This should take a course of quality control and quality assurance .
Quality Assurance is the first step which we need to encourage those involved in this industry to be accredited which require their staff to get training and pass certification plus their procedures to be checked and to be in compliance with certain standards.These accredited places will have an edge on others and their business will boom and will create competition .
Quality Control
is what the ministry id doing now checking on these places and issuing. fines .We need the law to be strict and to become criminal offence for some one serving bad food , drinks or any thing may hurt public health.
We also need a web site where accredited places are known to public , and also public can have the ability to file a complaint this way we can have civilized way with high standards to ensure public health and safety is paramount .
تتم مراجعة كافة التعليقات ،وتنشر في حال الموافقة عليها فقط.
ويحتفظ موقع كل الاردن بحق حذف أي تعليق في أي وقت ،ولأي سبب كان،ولن ينشر أي تعليق يتضمن اساءة أوخروجا عن الموضوع المطروح ،او ان يتضمن اسماء اية شخصيات او يتناول اثارة للنعرات الطائفية والمذهبية او العنصرية آملين التقيد بمستوى راقي بالتعليقات حيث انها تعبر عن مدى تقدم وثقافة زوار موقع كل الاردن
علما ان التعليقات تعبر عن أصحابها فقط .