شومان الان رئيس مجلس ادارة البنك العربي المحدود سويسراومقره سويسرا وهذا البنك ليس له صله بالبنك العربي وعلى هذا الاساس على ما اعتقد شومان يريد ان يبيع حصصه في البنك العربي لكي يستثمرها في العربي المحدود سويسرا ولا استبعد ان يكون هناك فروعا لهذا البنك في الاردن في القريب وهذا هو سبب تخوف المصري انه في حال عاد شومان اعماله المصرفيه الى الاردن قد يؤثر نوعا ما على البنك العربي
What "Masri" and "Hariri" do not understand is that Arab Bank is based on a concept of "conservative administration for conservative clients of investors and deposits" if this change,then the main clients with huge acounts will take their money and move to other conservative Bank...!!!it does not work to get the benefits of having conservative clients who accept less benefits for more safety while the Bank changes his administration to a liberal managment..!!!..Switzerland Banking is based on "Safety first and not profits first"the same concept followed by Shuman since they established Arab Bank,...Masri and Hariri are very worried now ,because they thought that they were smarter than "3abuud"and his genius wife"Suzan" who proved to be ahead of them by far,by keeping his post as Head of the independent Arab Bank-Switzerland,Shuman will easily convince all conservative clients to move their accounts to Arab Bank-Switzerland,,,that was the huge miscalculation by both "Masri" and "Hariri" who both have a reputation of high risk taking and this will reflect not only on the Banks performance but also on the shares value,,,
Almugtareb, what is the source of your information.? I feel you know every name in the country, and sound confident in your analysis
...شومان حر يبيع اسهمه والا ما ما يبيعها...شكله ما أدركوا اللي عملوه شو راح تكون نتيجته كما قال المغترب ...شومان عنده خبرة مصرفية ... ولا أظن الحريري او المصري عنده هذه الخبرة ...من الخسران ... المودعين
To Nadia –USA earlier I said that Almugtareb is the encyclopedia of Jordan, he is an added value asset to the country he knows every think. I hope he has packup for the information he has
To the Honorable Nadia,I come from the same privileged upper circle and know very well almost all the persons I write about.During the Ruling of his Late Majesty King Husain ,I enjoyed the respect and trust of our leadership inside and outside the country , I honored this trust standing tall against coruption and paying heavy price willingly,never asked or even accepted a favor not even from our leadership because this was the least I could give back to my country and make my children proud of me.In Jordan there are a lot of men and women better than me but the power , intelligence and experience of coruption is beyond imagination...!!!!,I still have access to information from inside and outside Jordan and I write exclusively in "kul Al-Urdun" because I respect "Khaled Al-Majali" and some time in "3alaa Al.faza3" site what I belve Jordanians should know to protect the future of our country
Sir,I feel honored with your comment,thank you
to both almugtareb and abu faisal, I appreciate your comments.
اقترح على السادة في موقع كل الاردن الى اضافة او تخصيص قسم للسيد المغترب للحديث اليومي او الاسبوعي او الشهري عن القضايا الوطنية لنستفيد من خبرته الواسعة وشكرا لجهودكم و تعليقات السيد المغترب التي لا اخفي بانها اول ما ابحث عنه عند قرائتي الاخبار على موقعكم
To Almugtareb and Nadia – USA I thank both of you, despite the fact that sometimes I don’t agree with Almugtareb comments. But it is good to read it.
To Al-Mughtareb
Thank you Sir for your nice respect comments
قبل هذا التعليق الأخير للمغترب كنت قد خمنت أنه رجل دولة سابق بسبب اطلاعه على أسرار لا تنشرها الصحف. نحترم معلوماته بلا شك، ولكن تحليلاته في بعض الأحيان يجانبها الصواب بسبب البعد عن الوطن والاعتماد على معلومات ومعطيات قديمة في التحليل. أتمنى عليه استخدام تعابير من مثل: " أعتقد، وأظن ، وفيما ارى" بدلا من الجزم في كل مرة. على أية حال تبقى قراءة تعليقاته أمرا مسليا ومثيرا للاهتمام في آن معا.