أشكر سعادة النائب و أتفق معه بضرورة أن تبدأ الحكومة بالتقشف قبل طلب ذلك من المواطن ابو 300 دينار
أتمنى أن تسحب الحكومة جميع السيارات من جميع الموظفين و صرف 30 - 50 دينار بدل مواصلات لكل منهم
السيد النسور يستخدم سيارة فقط (كورية) و ليس موكب و 50 فرد حماية
وقف الميزات و الإمتيازات لجميع الموظفين بغض النظر عن مناصبهم
منع استخدام و شراء السيارات الفارهة
وقف منح اليارات للزوجة و البيت و الأبناء
يكون الحد الأعلى للرواتب في الحكومة 1000 دينار و ليس 5000 كما ذكرتم
إعادة النظر في الرسوم و الضرائب التي تجبى من المواطنين زورا و وهتانا
خسارة الكهرباء التي تسوقها الحكومة ليست خسارة بل هي الأرباح التي تجنيها شركتي توليد و توزيع الطاقة تقريبا 670 مليون سنويا
لا يوجد دولة تتحمل خسائر (أو تضمن أرباح) لشركات خصخصتها
لكم التحية
Mr. Nimri, the fact of the matter is that the roots of our financial problems are twofold:
1- Incompetence in the decision making process at every level and in all branches of government including the executive, legislative, and judicial. This incompetence is very endemic that you can’t get anything done right in every branch. You are part of the legislative body and you and your colleague have not been able to sponsor any legislative bill of value so far. You were not able to put an end to the corruption, you were not able to bring one single corrupt official to court, and you were not able to pass any major laws to put an end to corruption. You still can’t pass a law to regulate the relationship between landlords and tenants. In the executive branch those who occupy sensitive government positions are mostly losers and do not have any understanding of how real government should and can work. The majority of them are sons and daughters of well known older corrupt officials. The majorities of them were born with golden spoons in their mouths and never experienced what it is like to work hard to earn a decent living. The judicial system is no better, many judges and prosecutors do not have any real authority and the evidence of that is the fact that crimes against people and their properties go on without punishment. Tenants who occupy other people’s properties can go on without paying rent for years and nobody will do anything about it. Court orders against people who took money and property from other people are ignored and never executed.
2- The country is infested with corruption from head to toe. The Royal Court has been infested with corruption for several years, yet those who sponsored the corruption continue to do whatever they want. In the executive branch, those who occupied sensitive government positions and abused their authority and expanded their responsibilities continue to be rewarded with more authority and more responsibilities. In the judicial branch those who are incompetent and corrupt tend to go up the ladder faster. Even in the army, mukhabarat, and security forces, those who are incompetent and corrupt are rewarded with more authority and responsibilities.
The above two factors tend to work in tandem and eventually they become cyclical feeding one another. The best example of that is what is happening with the Tawjihi. Is that incompetence or corruption? And the answer is both. What we see happening today with the Tawjihi is a perfect example of all that his happening to the whole country. The Tawjihi went from a respected general and comprehensive examination that is used to evaluate the whole education system in Jordan to an examination in which cheaters will have the best rewards.
When we are seeing poor and disenfranchised Jordanians get into civil disobedience in various forms and shapes, those in the executive, legislative, judicial branches along with those who run the Royal Court will need to ask themselves about what went wrong.
So Mr. Nimri, next time you want to talk about the budget, name things with their real names, name those who drove us to the ground for no good reason but because of their incompetence and their never ending appetite to take more of what belongs to all Jordanians.
Leave all those alone, with a disaster like what is happening with the Tawjihi these days, stand up and say I will not vote yes on anything until the minister of education and his deputies submit their resignations. That should be a good start.
may god keep your tongue straight
(( صح لسانك ))
كم اتمنى على النائب النمري ان يفسر لنا كفية تحقيق شركة التوزيع الربح!
هل يترجم لنا النائب المحترم علاقة دبي كابيتال(عندما كانت تحت سيطرة وادارة سير الرفاعي)بشركة توزيع الكهرباء!
هل اطلعت كنائب على عقد توزيع الكهرباء!
ونقول للنائب تصدى للفاسدين ولا تخف الشعب وراء نائبه ان صلح وتسلح بالشفافية والجرأة
تتم مراجعة كافة التعليقات ،وتنشر في حال الموافقة عليها فقط.
ويحتفظ موقع كل الاردن بحق حذف أي تعليق في أي وقت ،ولأي سبب كان،ولن ينشر أي تعليق يتضمن اساءة أوخروجا عن الموضوع المطروح ،او ان يتضمن اسماء اية شخصيات او يتناول اثارة للنعرات الطائفية والمذهبية او العنصرية آملين التقيد بمستوى راقي بالتعليقات حيث انها تعبر عن مدى تقدم وثقافة زوار موقع كل الاردن
علما ان التعليقات تعبر عن أصحابها فقط .