Where is the logic in this article? A little over year ago, the Muslim Brotherhood agreed to democracy and participated in the elections and they won. And here we are a year later and they were driven out of office by force. Why would they sit back and wait for another election cycle? And who would guarantee that they won't be driven out of office again if they win the next elections? The Muslim Brotherhood's response now is the natural and expected response
راي يدور في فلك السياسة الملكية وافكار موظف نشيط عفا عليه الزمن
You say: "is the natural and expected response".
So viloence now is natural and expected because the people of Egype (over 33 millions of them) and the armed forces have united to take them out of office? I believe nothing can be further from truth and logic than this statement.
My dear fellow democracy translates into the ruling og the people, the decision of the masses and the will of the citizens. Those citizens 13 millions of them voted for the brotherhood and trusted them. Now when they were bitterly betrayed (yes betrayed) they have withdrawn their trust and support back. Egyptians are not inclined or obliged in any way after the revolution to accept again dictatores and narrow minded selfish regimes.
Egyptains have every right to make sure that any government or regime understands perfectly and corresponds accordingly to the goals of the revolution, being the bortherhood or any other party.
Egypt did what should have been done and the coming president/government/regime have had two warnings by now: Mubarak and Mursy, which I believe is representative of what will happen if they don't rise to the aspirations of the people.
تتم مراجعة كافة التعليقات ،وتنشر في حال الموافقة عليها فقط.
ويحتفظ موقع كل الاردن بحق حذف أي تعليق في أي وقت ،ولأي سبب كان،ولن ينشر أي تعليق يتضمن اساءة أوخروجا عن الموضوع المطروح ،او ان يتضمن اسماء اية شخصيات او يتناول اثارة للنعرات الطائفية والمذهبية او العنصرية آملين التقيد بمستوى راقي بالتعليقات حيث انها تعبر عن مدى تقدم وثقافة زوار موقع كل الاردن
علما ان التعليقات تعبر عن أصحابها فقط .