The Palestinian including the Arabs spent, almost half century doing all efforts to ruin their Nobel cause. The Arab media was nothing but full of hatred to the Jews . They forgot that in the west they destroyed each other in First and Second world wars based on racism and religious reasons . They finally resolved their issues and invented Human rights -Please google it . It is in my opinion first class and greatest mankind invention in fact it is behind the reason why we have world peace .It saved the human being from destruction Our media as I said was lagging behind due to its incapability because of the people running this media , school graduates and learned nothing but what they hear from religious people –what do you expect – the Jews and the Christians are Kufar, this is of courses based on his base line and not the new international invention base line –Human Rights- which treats people equally.
This has resulted that all of the hundreds of thousands of students went for education early seventies were incapable of delivering the correct message . When they wanted to talk about the Arab cause, they started to use exactly the same language they learned or taught back home. They lost sympathy because no one was ready to listen to their Bull shit . Are these new NATZI’S people wondering? We wanted to throw the Jews in the sea because they are Jews and we wanted to invade Rome and prepare for this day ……..etc who will support you .Imagine someone came and say the same against the Muslims or Sikhs or any other religion followers. I think our media and our education has a major responsibility for what we are in and all the defeats we are in from poverty, corruption, undemocratic systems, zero human rights .Look around you we still talking in Jordan about withdrawing citizenship from Jordanians because their origin, or in the Gulf hundreds of thousands live without citizenship for hundreds of years , we do not need any one to defeat us we are defeated from the within inside unless we respect Human rights and truly implement them in our constitutions , then we will be able to make the changes we want.
منطق ! ومن قال لك ان اوسلوا نتيجه نهائية للصراع , تأكد يا فراعنه انك لو اتخذت موقف او على بتاع البسطه ما غيره لعذرتك , على الاقل قل حقا او اسكت , المقاوم هناك ليس كمن يتسلى هنا , هل لا زلت تتذكر اسم بلدك الاصلي ووطنك , الناس هناك فوق ارضهم ولن ينقصوا واحد !
على الجميع العمل على حل الدولة الواحدة على عموم تراب فلسطين التاريخية بحقوق وواجبات متساوية بين جميع السكان والطوائف والاعراق
تتم مراجعة كافة التعليقات ،وتنشر في حال الموافقة عليها فقط.
ويحتفظ موقع كل الاردن بحق حذف أي تعليق في أي وقت ،ولأي سبب كان،ولن ينشر أي تعليق يتضمن اساءة أوخروجا عن الموضوع المطروح ،او ان يتضمن اسماء اية شخصيات او يتناول اثارة للنعرات الطائفية والمذهبية او العنصرية آملين التقيد بمستوى راقي بالتعليقات حيث انها تعبر عن مدى تقدم وثقافة زوار موقع كل الاردن
علما ان التعليقات تعبر عن أصحابها فقط .